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Yankee Dental Congress


Yankee Dental Congress

Good afternoon! The second day of Yankee Dental Congress is well underway at booth #124. Yesterday, we brought a new look to the exhibition floor: a new booth and a towering, intricate display suspended above the Convergent Dental team.

Convergent Dental Banner

Our new display brought new visitors, including dentists from as close as New England and as far away as Texas. We also received visitors from Dental Product Shopper Monica Barudin and Dental Economics Dr. Joseph Blaes. Both Monica and Dr. Blaes chatted with Convergent Dental’s CEO Michael Cataldo about how Solea is ushering a new era of dentistry. They both had the opportunity to feel and see Solea in action.

Dr. David Fantarella, DMD, is presenting Solea during the “All-Tissue Dental Laser for CAD/CAM Ready Preparations” course

Today and tomorrow, Dr. David Fantarella, DMD, is presenting Solea during the “All-Tissue Dental Laser for CAD/CAM Ready Preparations” course. The course will demonstrate the advantages of using the 9.3µm, CO2, Computer Aided Preparation (CAP), dental laser system for various cavity preparations.

Stop by for a Solea All-Tissue Laser Demo

If you’re at Yankee Dental tomorrow, please stop by for our first live dentistry symposium of Solea with Dr. Mark Mizner, DMD, and Dr. David Fantarella, DMD, at 10am in Classroom E Course Code: 723SW). This live dentistry course will show the advantages of using Solea for a preparation that is ready for scanning and placement of a CAD/CAM restoration.

Solea All-Tissue Laser

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