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Case Studies


Ankylosed Tooth Extraction

Case Summary: 16-year-old male was referred by ortho for comprehensive care and extraction of tooth #T. Patient’s mother was very hesitant to have sedation done with the local oral surgeon, so she inquired about the possibility of having the procedure completed in-office.

Crown Lengthening (Closed) #9

Case Summary: A 60-year-old female patient presented to the practice with complaints about the appearance of her front crown. After full consultation, it was determined that she was no...

Anterior CEREC Veneers with Esthetic Crown Lengthening Usi...

Case Summary: A 43-year-old female patient presented to the practice for her regular check-up. Patient has had chipping and various composite repairs for over two decades. She was unha...

Class IV (Esthetic Composite Removal)

Case Summary: A 24-year-old female patient presented to the practice with a desire to improve the appearance of her smile prior to her upcoming wedding. She had an existing Class IV re...

Curious About Which Procedures The Solea All-Tissue Laser Can Help You With?

Take a look at this sheet that lists out common Solea procedures and the average time they take compared to traditional methods.