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Case Studies


Ankylosed Tooth Extraction

Case Summary: 16-year-old male was referred by ortho for comprehensive care and extraction of tooth #T. Patient’s mother was very hesitant to have sedation done with the local oral surgeon, so she inquired about the possibility of having the procedure completed in-office.

Repair of Osseous Defect on Implant #5 Secondary to Occlus...

Case Summary: A 70 y.o.a. patient presented for an emergency exam with a chief complaint of pain around the peri-implant tissues of implant #5. On exam, sulcular pus and buccal edemato...

Tissue Recontouring for Implant Restoration

Case Summary: A 48-year-old male patient presented to the practice with an implant on tooth #3 that was placed by a periodontist. The implant had osseointegrated and was ready to be re...

Tissue Recontouring for Implant Restoration 2

Case Summary: A 77-year-old female patient presented to the practice with an implant on tooth #30 that was placed by a periodontist. It was a replacement for a non-ideal previously pla...

Implant Uncovery on Tooth #4

Case Summary: This patient came in for uncovery of implant #4 and placement of healing cap to ready site for final restoration.

Curious About Which Procedures The Solea All-Tissue Laser Can Help You With?

Take a look at this sheet that lists out common Solea procedures and the average time they take compared to traditional methods.